9.4.2024 Prototype-Text

Jaroslava Šnajberková
Universidade do Algarve
Universidade Aberta
Kággaba: Masks, Media and People in Community Life

Prototype – Creating the World of Kággaba

The video prototype is created from a combination of analogue black-and-white photography with color video which evokes a dreamy atmosphere and the spirit of Kággaba. The images are complemented by Saga Mercedes singing and the original sound from the video has been retained. Mercedes sings in the Kággaba Chibchan language by the river about women, because when it is sung by the river, it is always about women. Water represents the feminine element. Water appears in the video in several modifications – in the river and the sea. The possibility of using the theme of masks, and other symbolism from the Kággaba world, will also be tested.

A special effect of image waves on the surface of the river was used, which at one moment transitioned into a frequency wave as an experiment. Transparency was used to transition the photo to the video. Other photograph and video variants will be created. The use of voice and subtitles accompanying the images is also considered.

Enter the World of Kággaba:

Various presentation options

1. The video is one track. The individual parts are connected to each other and create a narrative. They are projected onto the wall. On 1 wall or on 2, 3 walls. In the case of multiple projections – 1 video is projected on multiple walls, but in a different time period. Or different videos on multiple walls. In both cases, however, it can be a problem to use sound so that they do not interfere with each other. A part of the display will be a chair, where the visitor sits and enters the world of Kággaba.

2. Individual images are presented, in particular, as moving photographs. The installation then looks like a wall with several mini-projections installed instead of framed photographs. How can this be done technically?

2/2. The installation is made of TV screens.

3. An image in another image. One large image and another one is projected inside.

4. Installation as a world – a small room with furniture, which can be presented as the equivalent of our European and limited approach to the Kággaba world. Many interactions take place online from our living rooms. So we are in a microcosm of Kággaba and the visitor can enter it and interact with it. In the space representing the room, there is a table with a chair, a picture on the wall, a book on the desk, a laptop, a TV screen, a box.

In the picture on the wall there is a photo (moving), on the laptop you can see an interactive website (only a preview as an invitation to the website that will be launched completely during the research and where the audience can watch the research process ,live’). The video is playing on the TV, on the desk there is a book from a Whatsapp chat with someone from the Kággaba community, in the box on the desk after opening, the viewer sees a wave with a surface with an image, as if the box was filled with water. A 3D-created mask can hang on the wall. The idea is to present the various possibilities of the Kággaba world presented through various platforms.

5. The combination of both the room and the projection on the wall. Visitors can sit inside the room and watch the video.

Photography from the prototype video Kággaba Sequence 01_2. Photo source: Archive of Jaroslava Šnajberková. Link to the video below.

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